Our Services

Directors and officers work closely together to deliver shareholder value, playing adjacent, collaborative, but decidedly different roles. Whereas directors adhere to the old adage “noses in, fingers out”, officers are fully hands-on. We specialize in bringing these two diverse stakeholder groups together, honoring the specifics of their respective roles.

Directors - Noses In, Fingers Out

The board is ultimately accountable for delivering shareholder value, so this group is vital in establishing the priorities and criteria involved in allocating resources and attention on behalf of the organization.

Directors tend to focus on long-term outcomes, balancing short-term considerations as needed.

Their focus is on governance, strategy, and performance – being careful not to get into operational activities.

Officers - Hands-On

The development of an executable and measurable strategy begins with the CEO and their direct reports.  The CEO routinely defines the vision and direction along with the executive team and then aligns with board on the strategy and plans.

The officer team then sets about delivering results as approved by the board, and within the bounds of governance and risk prescribed by the board.

Services tailored for directors and officers

CAP services are specifically tailored for aligning the director and officer team by providing strategy-level services in highly-complex and fluid technology domains.  Our services include the following:


Presented at a strategic level, covering key topics of immediate relevance to support understanding the complexities of specific technologies.  Delivered virtually or in-person, these can be scheduled and delivered quickly.

Board Education

Structured curricula for the entire board, a particular subcommittee or group of directors.  Normally delivered over a fixed time interval, we provide a structured syllabus to accelerate learning in one or more focused areas.

Ex Officio Advisor

A CAP advisor provides uninterrupted advice on a part-time basis for a series of quarters, providing advice at varying levels of engagement based on the board or officer’s cadence.  This typically involves:

  • Pre-review of key materials and development of suggested questions or follow-ups;
  • Participation in key meetings to provide real-time insights or simply listen-only understanding;
  • Identification of key action items and alignment across the team on responsibilities and success criteria;
  • Interim check-ins with responsible executives and directors to ensure delivery of agreed outcomes.


Assessment of current levels of maturity in focused areas and the formulation of specific recommendations.  Depending on the situation, our advisors can develop recommendations into plans suitable for budgeting and launch.  In some cases, our advisors can support execution of recommendations via hands-off oversight and assurance or via hands-on leadership.

Executive Development

Development of specific domains of expertise for an executive, typically in situations involving new placements or high-risk situations.

Team Effectiveness Improvement

Coaching a group whose overall effectiveness and cohesion are vital.  Overall performance is baselined with full-team input.  Individual strengths and weaknesses are self-evaluated by each individual and are put into context by full-team evaluations of each member.  Our advisor will identify strengths and weaknesses and structure measurable actions with specific accountabilities for improving team effectiveness over specific time intervals.