What Value Do You Really Own When AI Investments Rely on Public AI Platforms? (FORBES)

Skyscrapers built atop shifting sands?
A Call for Cyber Collective Defense (FORBES)

Strength-in-numbers is a proven strategy – why not try it in cyber defense?
Who Defends Cyber Critical Infrastructure? (FORBES)

The government can’t…and won’t…and it’s complicated
The SEC to CISOs – Welcome to the Big Leagues! (FORBES)

October 30, 2023, the SEC declared the CISO a material senior executive.
The SEC Cyber Disclosure Rules Will Require Work – Start Now (FORBES)

On July 26, 2023, the SEC issued its final rules for companies disclosing key information regarding cyber risk. The final rules address concerns over investor access to timely and consistent information related to cybersecurity risk and come at the end of 18 months of debate and discussion. While many wanted different outcomes in key areas, […]
SEC Cyber Disclosures: Adoption Framework

CAP Group framework provides guidance to SEC registrants preparing for new transparency rules.
The SEC Wants Board Cyber Expertise: How Many CISOs Are Board-Ready? (FORBES)

CAP Group analysis shows that 90% of Russell 3000 companies lack a director with cybersecurity expertise.
CISOs as Board Directors

New research indicates that 14% of CISOs could be ideal board candidates.
New Research: CISOs as Board Directors

New research shows only 6% of security leaders have board experience.
SEC Cyber Disclosures: Don’t Get Caught Swimming Naked (FORBES)

New SEC transparency rules will reveal board-level cyber expertise.
FORBES: CAP CEO Brian Walker Invited Into Forbes Technology Council

CEO of The CAP Group, has been invited to join the Forbes Technology Council.
FORBES: 90% of Boards Not Ready For SEC Cyber Requirements

CAP Group analysis shows that 90% of Russell 3000 companies lack a director with cybersecurity expertise.
New SEC Cybersecurity Rules: Being Ready In The Face Of New Expectations

New SEC cybersecurity legislation will require boards and C-suite leaders to enhance their cybersecurity policies, procedures, and expertise.
NYDFS Impacts the 3 R’s of Cybersecurity

NYDFS has amended cybersecurity requirements for financial services companies that will have implications in terms of risk, resilience, and reputation.
CISA Issues Request for Information In Advance of CIRCIA Rulemaking

CISA issued an RFI, seeking input on implementing the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act (CIRCIA).